The China Song back
on my sojourn I walk alone
I see a vastness
but my world is small
the fool in his heart says there is no God
since what may be known about god is
plain to all because he has made it plain to all
his invisible qualities have been clearly seen and
may be understood from what has been made
so that men are without excuse
though they claimed to be wise
they became fools, and worshiped and served
created things rather than the creator
live my life sing my song
and you'll look into my eyes and know...
that i really know
look up to the skies...
we all really know
the truth is shown to every human
and God revealed through his design
to look at nature and the heavens:
from the truth you cannot hide
look outside
look outside
look outside
open your eyes
condition of a man in asia is no problem of yours
we only speak for just one life
and blaming others not yourself for
all things that are wrong
in the end will not justify
winds of knowledge always blow,
the man of wisdom tossing to and fro
fool in his heart says there's no God
he will follow his own desire
in our science pride does control
they search for answers
but they don't want to know
the heavens declare the glory of God
the skies proclaim the work of his hands
day after day they pour forth speech,
night after night they display knowledge...
their voice goes out into all t he earth
there is no speech or language where their
voice is not heard
faith is being sure of what we hope for
and certain of what is not seen
by faith we understand that the universe was
formed by God
live my life sing my song
and you'll look into my eyes and know...
that i really know
look up to the skies...
we all really know
and with a loving voice
we gave you a song
and you did not rejoice
so we sang a dirge-
you did not cry
you say you want to know
but you will not accept
all that has been shown
it seems like nothing for you satisfies